Role of Google Reviews in Local Search!

Google Reviews are the feedback or Experience of the product or services shared by users that is useful for Google as well as the other users who want to buy the particular product or service.
Reviews were not valuable when most of the customers used to buy the product offline and did not go online to check the reviews of other customers. After emerging the Digital Technology most business owners established their businesses online whether they are selling products locally or globally. People read the reviews of the products and services offered by you and then decide to buy the product or services. Role of Google Reviews in Local Search –

Increases credibility over search Engine 
When you Create a Business page Google considers your page as new and it shows your page on the down of its results when people start sharing positive reviews on your page then it increases page credibility over search engines and Google ranks your page.
Increases Search Results through Reviews
Google Reviews are like a scorecard of your Business, More Customer reviews increase your Business page rank and Google displays your Business page on the top of SERP.

Increase Keyword Ranking
When Customers write reviews about your Products & Services, Google specifies your category according to the Keywords mentioned in the Reviews, and when customers search with those keywords your business page shows on the Search Results of Google.

Builds Brand
Reviews build a brand when your customers post positive reviews on your Google business profile and you respond to them properly, new customers who are willing to buy the product read the reviews and make a decision to buy the product and services. Positive Reviews on your Google Business Page build a brand Image.
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