SEO strategy for blogging is an effective plan to educate people and convert them into customers. You need to be clear about your audience and keywords.

 Keyword research

Choose the topic wisely then do keyword research. When you do keyword research first think of yourself as an audience, how the audience searches their things on the internet. What common words audience use? Use Google keyword planner to know the right keyword for your blog or you can use SEMRUSH tool for keyword research. Use some mix-up keyword approach to target your audience to grab your audience.

Audience Research

 When you want to impress anybody you do things according to others. Know audience behavior. Know their intentions about the information you want to give them in the blog, and what they want.


When you are making an SEO Strategy for the blog, make sure the headline should be very catchy to grab the attention of your audience. Use questionable headline or exclamatory sentence that makes curious to everyone click on your blog. If you are a good writer and have written your blog but without a catchy headline your work may not be able to grab the attention.

Images and videos

One image is equal to one thousand words. Images can grab more attention than text. Use videos and images that can describe your matter. When you use video and images keep in mind the size and dimensions should be fit for your blogs. Describe in the image when you add to the blogs.

Mobile responsive

When you write a blog make sure your blog runs on a mobile browser as you want. Check your blogs on mobile how they look, check the proper dimensions of the image, and check the text appearance.

Meta description       

Write a clear Meta description for your blog which is easy to explain your blogs. Meta text appears in SERP that explains your blogs to the audience.

Internal link

Give internal links to your blogs to move your audience to the relevant blogs easily.   


If your blogs have a backlink from reputed sites, they will rank higher. When other website shows your link on their pages it proves your blogs are authoritative and useful.


Give a tag to your blogs. When you give more tags to your blogs, Your Content appears through the relevant Tag (keyword).

Review Metrics

Review the metrics of your blogs daily. In the metrics, you can analyze your audience. You will come to know the rank of your blog. It is helpful to change your SEO strategy.

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