What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website for search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing.  Technical SEO does not Focus on the Content of the website, it focuses on the performance of the site such as its loading, Mobile friendly, duplicate pages, and website structure.

If you have designed a stunning website and written highly effective content to optimize it on Search Engine, but without the technical SEO, It is worthless. If a user puts the link of the website but the website takes time to load the page, users get annoyed and press the back Button. This sign is not good for your website. Search Engines would not appear on your site in its search Results.  Your website should be mobile-friendly. If your website is not accessible on mobile, search engine ranking will be down.

Improve of Technical SEO

Improve your website speed

Your website should be easily accessible on mobile as well as PC. Check the loading timing of the website, if the webpage is taking more time to open. Improve the webpage speed. If your website has more graphics and Impact on website speed, you can compress the size of the Images.

Mobile Friendly

Your website should be mobile-friendly. Access your website on mobile to find out the issue. Contact your Web Developer to make it mobile-friendly.

Improve Duplicate Content

If your website has duplicate content, then your content may not appear on search Engines. Improve your duplicate content.

Fix Broken Page

A broken page may not be a good experience for the users. Users get irritated if they cannot find the content of the relevant page. You need to remove broken pages for a good user experience.

If your E-Commerce website has an issue with appearing on Search Engines. Contact an SEO Company in Ludhiana, Punjab to solve your Technical SEO Issue.



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