Traditional business needs a physical platform to perform buying and selling but now it is converted into E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce).

E-commerce is a buying and selling process done through the Internet.  From receiving the orders to making the payment is done through E-Commerce. E-commerce is done through Websites or the app


1- Receiving Orders- E-commerce websites or app displays their Product and services, A customer chooses the product according to the requirement, place an order, and the order receives through the E-commerce App or E-commerce Website.

2- Checking and Updating Inventories- After receiving the order Stocked is checked for availability, then updating the inventory and confirming the order.

3 – Accepting payment – After the inventory checks payment is accepted.

4- Confirming orders to the customers through messages or Emails.

5- Notifying the shipping department to deliver the order on time.

E-commerce has different categories

Business-to-Business (B 2 B)

When a business sells its product and services to the business entity through the internet, we say it Business to Business E-Commerce. An example of business-to-business E-commerce is selling raw materials to manufacturers.

Business to Customer (B2C)

Business-to-customer E-commerce involves the selling and buying process between businesses and customers. When you buy something online, that business is generally called a business-to-customer E-commerce.

Direct to Customer (D2C)

Direct Customers is now on trend, no wholesaler, and no distributors are involved in D2C E-Commerce. Manufacturers directly sell their products and services to the Customers. You may have seen people sell subscriptions, Images, or videos through Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

Customers to Customer (C2C)

If customers sell their products and services to the customers, it is called the customer-to-customer E-Commerce.

Benefits of E-Commerce

• Reduces time due to automated systems which can perform automatic buying and selling.

• Global reach.

• 24*7 availability due to its online feature, customer can place their order according to their suitability of time.

• Reduces business costs, due to its automatic functions, Appointing a man to place an order is more costly, but through the E-commerce Websites it is done automatically.

E-commerce is performed through Websites and apps. If you want to Develop an E-commerce website, you need an E-commerce Solutions provider.  Braintrain Info Solutions, a Web Development Company in Ludhiana can be a better option for E-Commerce Web solutions

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