Increasing followers on Facebook can give a  boost to your business,  but you need to know the post can play a crucial role in increasing followers. Boosting  Social Media Facebook posts can increase followers on the page, only you need to understand the strategy to boost your Social Media Post. There are nearly 3 billion active users on Facebook, If you know how to engage with your post, then the door of multiple opportunities will be opened for you whether you are a Business owner, Artist, or Influencer. I am giving you some tips to boost your Social Media Pages:

Category of Page

While Creating a Page, you must be clear about the niche of your Product or Services, Niche helps you to decide the category. When People search for the niche of a product your page must match the search queries of the people and another same category page.

Use Simple language

Do not use long phrases in a post, use words that can be understood easily. Use a sentence that can directly make an impression in the mind of the audience. Make questionable headlines so that users can respond quickly.

Images and Video Content

One Image is equal to 1000 words. Images and videos make a strong impression on the human mind. Effective videos and images make your post sharable and shared increasing reach and engagement to make your post viral.


A hashtag is a type of keyword tagging, using a hashtag in the content makes your content searchable on Social Media, When you use the hashtag with any word the post will be included in that category related to the word you have mentioned on the post. When anybody searches for you using the word included in your hashtag, your post will appear.  The appearance of the post boosts engagement and increases followers.

Suggestion by Facebook

Post Engaging Content on your Page, If you are posting fresh and engaging content then Facebook recommends your page to someone else who belongs to the same category and who may be interested in your content.

Creating a Poll

Creating a Poll gives a new jump to your Facebook Page. Choose the subject that is close to your audience then create a Poll, so that people can participate in your poll and responses of pole increase engagement.


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